Career Technical Agricultural Education (CTAE)
Warren County School’s Career Technology Agriculture Education Department is designed to build academic foundations, technical skills, and career development in Information Technology, Healthcare Science, Agricultural Science, and Marketing; giving all students a foundation for life-long learning and outstanding achievement as they prepare for the workforce or their post-secondary options.
Our goal is to educate students to participate in a rapidly changing economic, social and global environment through the integrated use of of technology. The courses provide relevant curricula oriented toward local, state and national standards by emphasizing all foundation skills including: career direction, workplace ethics, opportunities for advanced study, and the development of employable skills.
Shauna Andrews, Director of CTAE
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am- 4:00pm
Non – Discrimination Statement
The Warren County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or sex in its employment practices, student programs, and dealings with the public. It is the policy of the Board of Education to comply fully with the requirements of Title VI, Title IX, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act, and all accompanying regulations.
The Warren County School system offers the following career and technical education programs for all students regardless of race, color, color, national origin, including those with limited English proficiency, sex or disability in grades 9-12:
Entrepreneurial Ventures
Health Sciences
Information Technology
The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Shauna Andrews ( - Title I, II, IV, V, IX
Allison Davis ( - Special Education & 504 Services
Warren County Schools
115 Gibson Hwy, Warrenton, GA 30828
706 – 465 – 3383
Career related pathways are structured to include three sequential courses that include age appropriate experiences which prepare students for the school-to-career transition. Upon the completion of the three pathway courses, students take an End Of Pathway Assessment (EOPA). Georgia, like many other career and technical education programs around the nation, has worked in recent years to establish a measurement mechanism to ascertain the level of technical skill attainment on behalf of its career pathway completers. Georgia’s measurement process requires states to implement a valid and reliable assessment model linked directly to industry validated standards. Students that pass the EOPA earn Industry Certifications/Credentials in their field.
Students who are eligible to participate in EOPA activities should:
have successfully completed the three or four designated courses in the pathway; or
be enrolled in the final designated (third or fourth) course of the pathway and be on track to successfully complete the last designated course.
The Georgia Career Pipeline web site is provided to help Georgia businesses see the availability of young, talented students in a specific Georgia county, zip code, or Economic Development region of the state that possess a type of service or technical skill, and help businesses make important decisions concerning growth, development, and workforce needs.
Students are considered to be within Georgia’s Career Pipeline when they have enrolled in a Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) pathway course at a Georgia Public School.
Click on the image to go directly to the Georgia Career Pipeline website
CTAE Advisory Council
Warren County School System recognizes the value and importance of receiving business and industry input. Our goal is for each Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) program to have a successful and functioning advisory council.
Advisory councils create partnerships between CTAE programs and businesses and industries in the communities they serve. Advisory Council members provide support and advice to the CTAE programs in an effort to assist in producing graduates prepared to enter post‐secondary training and/or the workforce.
As reflected by GA Dept. of Education, “Work-Based Learning placements represent the pinnacle of the Career-Related Education experience. To qualify for a WBL placement, a student must be in grades 11 or 12 and at least 16 years old. Students must also have a defined Career Pathway in order to participate in the Work-Based component of Career-Related Education. This is especially important for successful completion of a student’s pathway in that their job placement is directly related to the curriculum of the Career Technical and Agricultural Education classes they have completed or in which they are concurrently enrolled.”
We encourage you to learn more about the programs offered by Warren County School District. We want your input and feedback as we strive to increase our program offerings and ensure quality career development is ongoing. Let’s continue to work together to build a competitive and thriving workforce right here in Warren County!
Work-Based learning (WBL) provides students the opportunity to receive credit while working in an environment related to their career pathway. WBL placements represent the pinnacle of the Career-Related Education experience.
To qualify for a WBL placement, a student must be in grades 11 or 12 and at least 16 years old. Students must also have a defined Career Pathway in order to participate in a Work-Based Learning placement. This is especially important for successful completion of a student’s pathway in that their job placement is directly related to the curriculum of the pathway classes they have completed or in which they are concurrently enrolled. There are several opportunities for students to participate in work-based learning. These opportunities include employability skill development, Cooperative Education, Internship, Youth Apprenticeship, and Clinical Experiences.
CTAE graduation rate hits high of 96% in Georgia
Career Pathways offered at WCHS
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources: Plant and Landscape Systems
Business, Management, and Administration: Entrepreneurship Pathway
Health Science: Patient Care Pathway and Medical Office Management
Marketing: Marketing and Management